How to recognize heart disease? Definitely don't underestimate the symptoms

Not even our pets can avoid heart disease. And they fall ill increasingly more often. It's not only about overbreeding of the breeds, but an important role is also played by the environment where they live. The right prevention is mainly a good way of living and adequate exercise.  

Not even our pets can avoid heart disease. And they fall ill increasingly more often. It's not only about overbreeding of the breeds, but an important role is also played by the environment where they live. The right prevention is mainly a good way of living and adequate exercise.

Unfortunately, this prevention isn't enough in all the cases. Some animals have a congenital defect that cannot be completely cured. In puppies, this makes up to about 5  ̶  10% of all types of heart disease. In adult dogs, it is about twice as much percent of dogs that suffer from some form of heart disease in old age.  

Therefore, if you have a suspicion, it's better to have your pet’s heart be examined by a cardiologist. Not only can you extend your pet’s life this way. You can also relieve it from pain it might experience and unfortunately, isn't able to tell you about it.

Smaller dogs usually have a problem with valve defects. Large dog breeds may have a problem with a deep chest or dilated cardiomyopathy, that is the increase of the volume of the ventricles and decreased function of the heart compartments. Cats can’t avoid various defects either.  

What are the symptoms of heart disease? Your pet gets tired faster when they're active, it can feel weak or apathetic. A good showing sign is a cough after physical strain, but also at night. Night restlessness is also common. Other symptoms may include increased respiratory frequency or conversely, irregular breathing, nausea or even fainting. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet or even more of these, you should better take them to a cardiologist as soon as possible. The sooner a disease is detected, the better the vet can help your pet.

Basic diagnostics consists of a thorough medical history, clinical, X-ray and ultrasound examination. However, not all are available at every veterinarian. In some cases, unfortunately, even a surgery of the animal is inevitable.

Keep in mind, that the sooner the heart problems of your animal are found out, the sooner they can be addressed together with a veterinarian and this way, your pet’s life may be extended.


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